IAR Product Updates


Product:IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, AWS edition, Cortex-M Edition
Release date:February 20, 2020

Install EWARMAWS 8.50

Published February 20, 2020.


  • C-STAT enhancements

    • Extended coverage of CERT C The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard. The SEI CERT C Coding Standard's goal is to provide rules for developing safe, reliable and secure systems in the C programming language, with support for C11 constructs. C-STAT covers all rules in the different CERT C sections listed at the CERT C wiki as of January 2020, with the exception of the API, CON, POS and WIN sections which are not applicable to our products, yielding a total of 90 covered rules.

    • Link analysis trace information
      The link analysis messages now display trace information when relevant. For checks looking for conflicting symbol names, all conflicting declarations are now listed in the trace information instead of each pair of conflicts being described in a separate message. This might lead to fewer reported messages for the same number of found issues.

IAR website

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