IAR Product Updates
Product:IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, Cortex-M for ST edition
Release date:October 12, 2018

Install EWARMSTVO 8.32

Published October 12, 2018.


  • Control of optimized DLIB library functions
    Some of the DLIB libraries delivered with the product now contain optimized variants, such as a small integer division routine for Cortex-M0, or a fast strcpy implementation for cores that support the Thumb-2 ISA. The compiler and linker will automatically select the variant that matches the optimization goal. It is possible to override this selection by using the option --use_optimized_variants. See user guide corrections for more information.

  • CMSIS-DAP v2
    The debugger now supports the the latest CMSIS-DAP standard with WinUSB transfer mode resulting in faster debug experiences when using CMSIS-DAP v2 compliant boards.