IAR Visual State StateMachine API
StateMachine API Main Page


This is IAR Visual State StateMachine API version 1.0. This API can be used for loading, creating, editing and saving IAR Visual State StateMachine files. Refer also to the generated header file and source documentation for information on usage.

Connecting to the API

Here is a description of how to connect to the API from C or C++. If you are using another language you can use the files shown here to write your own code to connect to the API. Connecting to the API from C or C++

External functions used in the example code

The examples use some classes and functions that are not part of the API.

Examples of use

Below there are some links to some examples of how to use the API.

Shortcut links

Below there are some direct links to the documentation of the API.

History of changes

See below for a a link to the history of changes to the API.